What are some great examples of someone loving you well? You can share about your spouse or someone in your family but also think of how others outside your family have loved you well. Today we’re talking about the biblical concept of Love and how God provides more love for the loveless. It’s part of our Advent series at church called “More or Less.” While Christmas is a beautiful, even magical time of the year, it doesn’t resolve all our conflicts, reduce our anxieties, or fill our lives with friends and cheer. In fact, in some ways it complicates life. The bottom line for this whole series is… “When there seems to be less, God has more.” WATCH, STUDY, DISCUSS Watch the Bible Project’s teaching video on “Love.” You can find it on their website at or on YouTube.
Read 1 John 4:7-16 - The God of the Bible doesn’t just express love, he is love. As a triune God—Father, Son, and Spirit—he has always been and always will be an others-centered, self-giving, communal being. Jesus fully embodies the love of God, and he demonstrated it most clearly when he gave his life on behalf of humanity. When people learn to trust Jesus’ love for them, they join in God’s community of life and love, and their very nature is transformed to live a life of love with him.
Read Matthew 5:43-48 - Jesus teaches his followers to seek other people’s well-being without expecting anything in return and to extend love to even their enemies. Sacrificial, selfless, and forgiving love imitates the very character of God himself.
TAKEAWAY Do you have a person in your life that you struggle to love? Take time now to imagine how God sees that person. What do you imagine he desires most for them? How do you think Jesus would personally address them, and how can you join him today? John the Baptist said in John 3:30 “He must increase. I must decrease.” This week, how will you make the love of God more important and the love of yourself or others less important? PRAYER First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about encouraging one another. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. Comments are closed.
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