Would you rather have time stop every time you go to sleep so you don’t waste any time or only need to sleep for two hours and feel fully rested? This is the last week of discussing a teaching series from Pastor Jim called Triggered. During this series, we’ve been exploring various emotions that are easily triggered in us, the commands Jesus gives us about those emotions, and how to manage them. This week we're talking about own fear and insecurity and how it can lead to judging others. REVIEW & DISCUSS
First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about feeling used by others. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. ICEBREAKER
Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and beautiful? Would you rather lose all your money and possessions or one of your sense (like sight or hearing)? We’re discussing a new teaching series from Pastor Jim called Triggered and during this series, we’re exploring various emotions that are easily triggered in us, the commands Jesus gives us about those emotions, and how to manage them. This week we're talking about insecurity and finances. REVIEW & DISCUSS
First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about feeling used by others. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. ICEBREAKER
Would you rather get a "we need to talk" email from your boss or get a voicemail from your doctor asking you to call them back immediately? Would you rather get stuck in traffic when your flight boards in an hour or have to parallel park into a tight space during rush-hour traffic? We’re discussing a new teaching series from Pastor Jim called Triggered and during this series, we’re exploring various emotions that are easily triggered in us, the commands Jesus gives us about those emotions, and how to manage them. This week we're talking about worry. REVIEW & DISCUSS
First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about feeling used by others. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. Be ready with a printed copy of the Wheel of Emotions to hand out to your group or have them download it themselves.
ICEBREAKER What's the farthest you've ever walked or run? Was it for fun or did you have to do it? We’re discussing a new teaching series from Pastor Jim called Triggered and during this series, we’ll be exploring various emotions that are easily triggered in us, how they can lead to sin, the commands Jesus gives us about those emotions, and how to manage them. This week we're looking at the emotions that are triggered when we feel like someone is using us for their gain. REVIEW & DISCUSS
First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about feeling used by others. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. Be ready with a printed copy of the Wheel of Emotions to hand out to your group or have them download it themselves.
ICEBREAKER When have you had something taken from you? Tell us about it. We’re discussing a new teaching series from Pastor Jim called Triggered and during this series, we’ll be exploring various emotions that are easily triggered in us, how they can lead to sin, the commands Jesus gives us about those emotions, and how to manage them. This week we're looking at the emotions that are triggered when something we own is taken away from us. REVIEW & DISCUSS
First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about anger. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. Be ready with a printed copy of the Wheel of Emotions to hand out to your group or have them download it themselves.
ICEBREAKER Tell of a time when you were insulted as a kid or as an adult. We’re discussing a new teaching series from Pastor Jim called Triggered and during this series, we’ll be exploring various emotions that are easily triggered in us, how they can lead to sin, the commands Jesus gives us about those emotions, and how to manage them. REVIEW & DISCUSS
PRAYER First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about anger. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. Be ready with a printed copy of the Wheel of Emotions to hand out to your group or have them download it themselves.
ICEBREAKER Describe one of your biggest pet peeves. Well, we’re discussing a new teaching series from Pastor Jim called Triggered and during this series, we’ll be exploring various emotions that are easily triggered in us, how they can lead to sin, the commands Jesus gives us about those emotions, and how to manage them. REVIEW & DISCUSS
PRAYER First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about anger. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. |
ABOUTHere you can find our life group discussion outlines which are based on our current sermon series.
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