Where in this country or world have you seen the most beautiful places or people? Describe what you experienced. DISCUSSION
Take time to ask for personal prayer requests. Then pray for our church's efforts to fulfill this mission of bringing "heaven to earth" followed by the other prayer requests. CONTINUE THINKING ABOUT "BRINGING HEAVEN TO EARTH" You can read and watch more on our webpage titled "Bringing People to Jesus and Heaven to Earth." You can find it on the website under "Teachings" and the title of this series. There are some short videos and a podcast series from the Bible Project, some past sermons, and some book recommendations. BRINGING PEOPLE TO JESUSICEBREAKER
Do you have a favorite doctor, dentist, chiropractor, hairstylist, contractor, or some other specialist that you just love and tend to refer others to? Who is it and why do you like them? DISCUSSION
Take time to ask for personal prayer requests. Then pray for our church's efforts to fulfill this mission of bringing people to Jesus followed by the other prayer requests. START THINKING ABOUT "BRINGING HEAVEN TO EARTH" To get ready for next week's discussing about "bringing heaven to earth" go to Pastor Jim's teaching page. You can find it on the website under "Teachings" and the title of this series. There are some short videos and a podcast series from the Bible Project, some past sermons, and some book recommendations. ICEBREAKER
When have you been on the receiving end of either someone else's intense anger or deep compassion? How did that feel? DISCUSSION
Take some time for people to share prayer requests. Then pray. First, ask God to help you grow in righteousness. Then pray for each other's prayer requests. OPENING QUESTIONS
What's the memorable "win" you've ever had? Optional: What are some jingles or taglines you can remember from some major product brands? We're discussing a teaching series called, "As I Am: How the Character of God Defines the People of God." Each week we'll be discussing a different character trait of God's. We'll explore how his character bless us and then how we can bless others with that same character trait. But it all starts with God's call to us to "Be holy as I am holy." DISCUSSION
Take some time for people to share prayer requests. Then pray. First, ask God to help you become more like him and his holiness. Then pray for each other's prayer requests. OPENING QUESTION
Would you rather have physical wings so you can fly or be invisible like a spirit? We're discussing a sermon series from church called "Spirit World." This last Sunday, Pastor Jim answered the question, "What Angels?" DISCUSSION
PRAYER Take some time for people to share prayer requests. Then pray. First, thank God for his angels. Then pray for each other's prayer requests. OPENING QUESTION
We're discussing a sermon series from church called "Afterlife." This last Sunday, Pastor Jim answered the question, "What is the Final Judgment?" DISCUSSION
PRAYER Take some time for people to share prayer requests. Then pray. First, thank God for the promise and hope of heaven. Then pray for each other's prayer requests. OPENING QUESTION
We're discussing a sermon series from church called "Afterlife." This last Sunday, Pastor Jim answered the question, "What is Hell?" and concluded with this Bottom Line: One day evil, those who pursue it, and death itself will be put to death. DISCUSSION
PRAYER Take some time for people to share prayer requests. Then pray. First, thank God for the promise and hope of heaven. Then pray for each other's prayer requests. |
ABOUTHere you can find our life group discussion outlines which are based on our current sermon series.
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