On a snowy weekend, would you rather stay inside where it’s warm and cozy or get out and play in the snow? Today we’re talking about the biblical concept of Joy and how God provides more joy for the joyless. It’s part of our Advent series at church called “More or Less.” While Christmas is a beautiful, even magical time of the year, it doesn’t resolve all our conflicts, reduce our anxieties, or fill our lives with friends and cheer. In fact, in some ways it complicates life. The bottom line for this whole series is… “When there seems to be less, God has more.” WATCH, STUDY, DISCUSS Watch the Bible Project’s teaching video on “Joy.” You can find it on their website at or on YouTube.
Read Isaiah 51:1-16 - Israel suffered under the rule of an oppressive empire, but the prophet Isaiah knew that sorrow and sadness would not have the final word. Isaiah remembered how God faithfully delivered Israel from oppression in the past, and he looked forward to God delivering Israel again. Isaiah relied on God’s faithful character, so he could say with confidence that one day God would lead his people to eternal joy.
TAKEAWAY What has God done in your past that brought you great joy? What has God done in the past of others that you can look to give you joy? John the Baptist said in John 3:30 “He must increase. I must decrease.” This week, how will you make your joy in God more important and joy in yourself, your circumstances, or others less important? PRAYER First, take some time to ask people to identify prayer needs related to the discussion about encouraging one another. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in prayer. Comments are closed.
ABOUTHere you can find our life group discussion outlines which are based on our current sermon series.
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