How did you or your family become Christians? Did anyone lead you to Christ? We're discussing a teaching series from church called "This is Living!: The Thrill of Life in Christ." This week, our discussion will be around Jesus' where Jesus taught his disciples that serving others is greater than being served. REVIEW & DISCUSS REVIEW This week, our discussion stems the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20. Particularly the "go and make" part. B.L.E.S.S. is a way of thinking about loving our neighbors. BLESS is five missional practices that help us introduce people to Jesus. B - Begin with Prayer L - Listen with Care E - Eat Together S - Serve with Love S - Share your Story DISCUSS
First, take some time to identify ways you can pray about what you just discussed. Second, take some time to ask for additional prayer requests. Then close your time together in praise and prayer. Comments are closed.
ABOUTHere you can find our life group discussion outlines which are based on our current sermon series.
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